sexta-feira, 19 de novembro de 2021

Vamos brincar com a Chica 39? Bandeira


Cheguei e como sempre, atrasadinha rsrsrs! Procuro ser pontual, mas é um karma kkkkkkkk. Estava com saudade de brincar e interagir com todos, por isso fiz questão de voltar a esse convívio edificante e fraterno!

9 comentários:

  1. Participação lindíssima.
    Cordiais saudações … feliz fim-de-semana
    Pensamentos e Devaneios Poéticos

  2. Bom dia Lúcia!
    Saudades! Que bom vê-la participando!
    Magnífica a sua frase e bem certa!
    Honremos todos nossas Bandeiras.
    Beijinhos e abençoado fim de semana.

  3. Olá, querida amiga Lúcia!
    Que contentamento sua presença na BC da nossa querida Chica!
    Sinto orgulho da nossa bandeira desde pequena.
    Sua participação está excelente.
    Mais patriotismo e menos partidarismos exarcebados.
    Que Deus abençoe você e sua família com toda sorte de bençãos!
    Beijinhos carinhosos de paz e bem

  4. Nem te preocupa.Aqui tá sempre aberta a casa!!rs...
    Adorei a frase e apresentação!
    Obrigadão! beijos, chica e lindo fds!

  5. One of the best decision i ever made was contacting Dr Otonokpo to help me get my lover back, I was life filled with happiness after i contacted Dr Otonokpo because he didn't just bring my lover back to me he also made our love for each other more unique and superb. If you need to spice your relationship with more love and attention contact Dr Otonokpo on his Email Address, call/whatsapp him via his contact +2348114129781 and be happy just like i am, thanks Dr Otonokpo for your great work.

  6. Gosto desta participação.
    Abraço, saúde e boa semana

  7. can't't believe that this man is so real, how can I thank you enough, I can't fail to testify about the good things you have been doing for me and now you still went ahead and do same for my friend, please everyone if you have anything disturbing you please your solution is hear with Dr.osupalagba the great spiritualist who can solve any problem in a twinkle of an eye. No matter the problems, whether spiritual problem, you want to get your ex back, promotion in your workplace, spiritual cleansing, fruit of the womb, mental illnesses, protection for gun, protection for cutlass, protection for bottle, protection for snake and scorpion bites and cure. Are you a victim of any of the above listed setbacks, you can contact Dr.osupalagbavia Email:

    Call/WhatsApp +2347051667586

  8. can't believe that this man is so real, how can I thank you enough, I can't fail to testify about the good things you have been doing for me and now you still went ahead and do same for my friend, please everyone if you have anything disturbing you please your solution is hear with Dr.osupalagba the great spiritualist who can solve any problem in a twinkle of an eye. No matter the problems, whether spiritual problem, you want to get your ex back, promotion in your workplace, spiritual cleansing, fruit of the womb, mental illnesses, protection for gun, protection for cutlass, protection for bottle, protection for snake and scorpion bites and cure. Are you a victim of any of the above listed setbacks, you can contact Dr.osupalagbavia Email:

    Call/WhatsApp +2347051667586


Uma imagem, uma trova 08

  Chegou o dia de brincar De uma imagem, uma trova Com certeza vai gostar De pôr o cérebro à prova! Deixe a inspiração fluir Quadr...